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Chinese-Italian Dictionary Edited has been Well Received

发布日期:2014-05-14  作者:news center 点击量:

Chinese-Italian Dictionary Edited by Prof. Zhao Xiuying has been Well Received

  Chinese- Italian Dictionary, edited by professor Zhao Xiuying of Foreign Language College of our school through 13 years, has been well received by medias , academic fields and users since the first publishment in June, 2013 in Italy. The dictionary has been sold out more than 1,000 within a month. On the international book show in Frankfurt, there has been 4 Chinese publish houses discussing buying copyright in China with Zanichelli Publish House. Finally, Zanichelli Publish House sighed a contract with Foreign language press, and Foreign language press promised to issue it in July. The most important newspaper Corriere della Sera spoke highly of the dictionary in an article published on January 31. On April 13, Italian Central Radio station broadcast the talk show of professor Zhao Xiuying, and praised the great success of the dictionary in Italy and its great contribution to the friendly communication between the two countries.


