BLCU and Western Kentucky University Signed Execution Agreement on Project of Dual Culture of Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
On May 17th, deputy party secretary Zhao Min held an official meeting with the president of Western Kentucky University. They signed the execution agreement on project of dual culture of Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages.
This was the first time to relate the master's degree of teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages to American teacher qualification system, as well as a dual culture program supported by Hanban. Its purpose was to cultivate qualified Chinese teachers who were competent for teaching and transmitting Chinese in America. This program would take the "one add two" model which means that the students study in BLCU in the first year, and then go to Western Kentucky University and go to the local Confucius College to practice what they have learned. At the same time, if the students can successfully pass the qualification exam, they can get the Teacher Certification of Kentucky and the master's degree of teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages of both school.