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发布日期:2012-08-23  作者:校友办 点击量:











Dear Prof. Cui Xiliang,

It gives me the great pleasure to learn that BLCU is going to celebrate its 50th anniversary in this coming September. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate BLCU on its great success and progress.

I also thank you sincerely for your thoughtful invitation extended to me in your letter of May 17, 2012 to participate in the celebration to be held in September. Although I would like very much to be part of this auspicious occasion, I greatly regret that I cannot possibly accept to come because of my tight schedule.

Since its establishment in l962, BLCU has accumulated its reputation for promoting the Chinese language and cultural heritage to the world until now it is known worldwide. The institute has earned the epithet “Little United Nations" for its important role in disseminating the knowledge and wisdom of the Chinese people internationally which create good understanding and friendship among the peoples of the world, leading to the peaceful and harmonious co-existence.

I am very much pleased that we have some educational cooperation between our universities, for example, BLCU and Thammasat, Assumption universities and Assumption Commercial College. This sort of collaboration helps enhance the progress of the education in Thailand. Moreover, it certainly plays a part in strengthening the cordial relationship our two countries have enjoyed since the ancient time down to the present day. Such friendly ties, I believe, will be long-lived and continue far on the path to the future.

Prof. Xiliang, I truly appreciate your kind consideration towards me. Although I am unable to be present at the celebration, I would like to offer BLCU and its faculty my best wishes for their ceaseless prosperity and advance in years to come.



(Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn)


