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the British IELTS Chairman Visited BLCU

发布时间:2011-11-14  新闻来源:超级管理员 阅读量:

On October 22, Vice President of BLCU Qi Dexiang received a visit from Chairman of the British Council (BC) Global IELTS John Gildea and the IELTS delegation.

Vice President Qi Dexiang expressed a sincere welcome of the British guests. He said BLCU and the British Council have cooperation of many years in the field of language testing. This collaboration has led to fruitful results. He hopes that the two parties can further deepen their bilateral cooperation in the areas of test-taking, publications and English language teaching. Chairman John Gildea stated that the thousands of IELTS test of BLCU provide a valuable experience to other testing centers around the world. Afterwards, Chairman John Gildea and his delegation visited the Yi Fu Building to observe the process of the IELTS oral examination.



