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The First BLCU Hanzi Competition was Held

发布日期:2014-05-14  作者:news center 点击量:

  On the evening of April 22, the first BLCU Hanzi Competition kicked off at Shaw auditorium. Students from 11 countries of Brazil, Bolivia, South Korea, Canada, Malaysia, Mongolia, Japan, Sweden, Slovenia, Italy and Indonesia competed against Chinese undergraduates of Beijing Language and Culture University.

  The competition begins with distinctive self-introduction of contestants. After the ballot before the game, the nine teams were divided into A and B groups. The first round were questions for all the contestants, and the questions covered aspects of pronunciation, font, and the idioms of Chinese. The second round wereone-to-one competitions, in which each contestant answer the question of the same number with the number of their ballot.And the questions covered simplified and traditional characters, and distinguishing homophone. During the competition, both Chinese and international students demonstrated their impressive and solid knowledge of Chinese characters, pushing the competition into a full swing.


