October 13 morning, with “Come for love· fight against Ebola” as its theme, the opening ceremony of Guinea medical staff training in China project was held in conference room 909, comprehensive building of BLCU.
Since 1968, commissioned by our state, Beijing had continued sending a foreign medical aid team to Guinea. In 2014, during the outbreak of the Ebola epidemic in Africa, Chinese doctors and African people stood together and played a vital role in fighting against Ebola epidemic. In order to help African countries to overcome the Ebola epidemic as soon as possible and to promote the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals, the South-South International Charity Foundation and the Charity Foundation, together with Chengmei Charity Foundation held a Africa aid charity dinner on September 2015, all the raised money would be used to support Guinea health care workers study in China and to support Africa-aid medical staff study in the United States.
Guinea medical staff training in China program would take two years, and two stages including Chinese language preparatory courses and professional clinical teaching and practice. It would be undertaken by BLCU College of Preparatory Education and Capital Medical University respectively.