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发布时间:2005-04-18  新闻来源:速成学院速成系C2 郭明珠 阅读量:

BLCU Sucheng Ban students are champions of the tig-of-war competition

The sky was overcast and grey, and a frosty wind made spring feel like winter again. But the less-than-ideal weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of the BLCU students who gathered on Friday afternoon for the tug-of-war contest.

Dressed for the occasion in exercise wear, 13 students from the BLCU"sucheng'' classes prepared for the contest, warming up and stretching their limbs.

The contest would be tough, they would have to defeat six other teams consisting Chinese students to win. The tug-of-war demands endurance, teamwork and physical strength from participants.

The rest of the ""sucheng ban'' students gathered around their classmates, offering encouragement and flexed their vocal muscles by practicing their cheers and victory cries.

Soon, the contest was underway. The teams of Chinese students were first up. Each team put up a good fight and participants gave their all.

Undaunted, the students of the "sucheng ban'' erupted into great cheers when it was time for their classmates to pit their strength against an opposing team.

Everyone was nervous and excited and it was clear that the ""sucheng ban'' students wanted badly to win. As the 13 sucheng ban students took their places on the competition ground, their classmates who formed the "la-la dui'' shouted at the top of their voices: "Jia you! Jia you! Jia you!''

At the sound of the whistle, the 13 students pulled with all their might and their classmates screamed: "Yi-Er! Yi-Er! Jia you! Jia you! Jia you!''

Their cheers were so loud, they even drowned out the cheers from the other team. The sucheng ban students went on to defeat all their opponents and became the champions of the tug-of-war contest.

Teachers and students were both delighted with the victory and praised the 13 contestants who worked so hard to secure the win.

It was a great day for the sucheng ban students and their teachers, one that all will always remember when recalling fun times at BLCU.

C2 Guo Mingzhu

April 8



