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发布时间:2022-05-05  新闻来源:英国谢菲尔德大学孔院 肖莉 阅读量:

当地时间4月25日,英国谢菲尔德大学副校长马尔科姆·巴特勒博士(Dr Malcolm Butler)出席由北京大学主办的首届“中外人文交流论坛-暨孔子学院学术文化季”开幕式并致辞。来自(埃及)开罗大学、(西班牙)格拉纳达大学、(以色列)希伯来大学、(日本)早稻田大学和(法国)阿尔多瓦大学的6位副校长,以及中国国际中文教育基金会秘书长赵灵山应邀出席论坛开幕式并致辞。北京大学国际关系学院教授袁明、法国原教育部汉语教学总督察白乐桑发表主旨演讲,北京大学副校长王博作为主办方代表出席论坛开幕式并致辞,论坛开幕式由北京大学国际关系学院原院长、中外人文交流研究基地主任贾庆国主持。中外各界代表近100人以“线上+线下”的方式共同参加了此次首届中外人文交流论坛开幕式。



Dàjīa hǎo! Good morning and good afternoon to you all. My name is Malcolm Butler and I am the Vice-President of Global Engagement at the University of Sheffield. My greetings to all friends and colleagues from around the world.



I am honoured to be with you today as part of the first International Forum on People to People Exchange. I join you today to represent both the University of Sheffield and the wider UK higher education community and I am grateful to Peking University for extending the invitation and for organising these events.

今天, 很荣幸能出席首届人文交流国际论坛,今天我代表谢菲尔德大学和更大范围的英国高等教育界参加会议,感谢北京大学的邀请,也感谢北京大学组织这些活动。

We have come together today because we all share the belief that through exchanging knowledge and working together, we can make a vital difference in solving the world’s greatest challenges and improving people’s lives.


The past few years have shown the wider world what we in academia have championed for so long - that in order to make progress, to overcome and to thrive we must share our knowledge, our resources and our expertise for the mutual benefit of the world.


I am genuinely delighted to speak on these themes as they are core to the University of Sheffield’s vision. Our vision is to deliver life-enhancing research, innovation and education that not only transforms the lives of our graduates, but shapes the world we live in.


Our vision is embedded into everything we do and is itself the product of collaborative exploration and mutual goals developed by our staff, students and wider community. Our vision is ambitious and we know that we cannot achieve it on our own.


We must take an international approach to solve global challenges. Across the world, there are challenges we all face - whatever country you are from. To solve pressing issues such as sustainable energy, food, climate change and an ageing society, we need to collaborate.


No country nor single university could solve these global issues on its own and, as the complexity and scale of the challenges we face increases, we must work with global partners in new ways that are mutually beneficial.


World-class research must be a global project. We strongly believe that research should have no boundaries, national or disciplinary. International and interdisciplinary collaborations will encourage new discoveries and will be the way forward to tackle some of the common problems we face.


We cannot hope to shape our world for the better without inviting like-minded institutions, organisations and individuals from across the world to work with us. We cannot achieve greatness in isolation but in partnership and collaboration with those who share our values and ambitions.


As a large research-intensive university, we have an important role in educating the leaders of tomorrow who can go out into the world and make a real difference in tackling issues of great importance to us all. We also have a responsibility to teach our students the skills they need to succeed in their future careers as socially aware and active world citizens. This is vital if they are going to contribute to the sustainability of the planet and the progress of society.


Since the very beginning, Sheffield has provided a welcoming home of scholarship to students from many countries across the world. In fact, our first Chinese student, Zung Tse Kien Woo, came to Sheffield more than a century ago in 1904. Since the days of Zung Tse Kien Woo, many students from China and other countries across the globe have followed in his footsteps and studied at Sheffield, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a determination to excel in their studies. Today, with over 30,000 students and nearly 8,000 staff from more than 150 countries at Sheffield, our vibrant and diverse community at Sheffield bring their own perspectives and intellectual curiosity and share a passion for shared experiences and mutual understanding.  The People-to-people forum will also advance our knowledge by bringing together different cultures and ideas.

从建校之初,谢菲尔德就为来自世界许多国家的学生提供了一个宾至如归的求学之家。事实上,我们的第一位中国学生吴建在一个多世纪前的1904年就来到了谢菲尔德。自吴建的时代以来,许多来自中国和全球其他国家的学生,在对知识的渴求和对学业的精进的决心的驱使下,追随他的脚步,在谢菲尔德大学求学。今天,谢菲尔德大学拥有来自150多个国家的30,000多名学生和近8,000名教职员工,我们充满活力和多元化的谢菲尔德社区带来了他们自己的观点和求知欲,并对分享经验和相互了解抱有热情。 人文交流论坛也将通过汇集不同的文化和思想从而增进我们的知识。

We are proud to say that, recently, the University of Sheffield has been named one of the best universities in the world for teaching and research in the arts and humanities. To enhance our reputation for research excellence, the Sheffield Confucius Institute is delighted to partner with one of China’s leading universities - Peking University to host the joint UK-China Seminar Series in second language acquisition and music in 2022.  We very much look forward to all the upcoming forums.

最近,谢菲尔德大学被评为世界上艺术和人文学科教学和研究的最佳大学之一,为此我们深感自豪。为了提高我们在科研方面的声誉,谢菲尔德大学孔子学院很高兴能与中国最顶尖的大学之一--北京大学合作,于2022年合作举办第二语言习得和音乐方面的中英系列研讨会。 我们非常期待即将举行的所有论坛。

I will bring my thoughts to a close now as I know you will be keen to hear from the other speakers, and there is much to cover in today’s interesting and insightful opening programme of speeches for this international forum on People-to-People Exchange. I want to leave you with one final thought from me; the University of Sheffield’s crest shows a book with the latin phrase disce doce which means to learn and teach. As institutions we are all familiar with the concept of teaching others, but we must never forget that we must also commit to learning ourselves - to acknowledge any weaknesses and to seek out those who can in turn, teach us.  The international forum on People-to-People exchange will contribute to this desire.

我现在要结束我的发言,因为我知道你们也很想听听其他演讲者的发言,在今天这个关于人文交流的国际论坛上,有很多有趣而有见地的开幕式演讲。我想将我最后一个想法留给大家;谢菲尔德大学的校徽上有一本书,上面有一个拉丁文短语disse doce,意思是学习和教学。作为大学,我们都熟悉教授别人的概念,但我们决不能忘记,我们也必须致力于学习(反思)自我--承认任何我们自身的弱点并寻找那些能够反过来教授我们的人们。 人文交流的国际论坛将有助于实现这一愿望。

Thank you for listening and I look forward to hearing from the other speakers.



